Chiron IT provides business-focused solutions for their clients that help to process automation, data services integration, development of internal collaboration platforms, and reporting solutions.
Corporate website
The existing website did not incorporate business development. It did not have a clear call to action and value proposition for the target audience. Poor user experience and navigation led to a high bounce rate. Also, it had a limited ability to generate leads and drive sales.
My Role
User Interface Designer
Graphic Designer
User Research
The primary methodology for user research was interviewing past clients. Ten 5-minute interviews were conducted that helped to extract the main pain points:
- Lack of clear call-to-actions and conversion optimization
- No clear value proposition for the target audience
- No brand awareness and credibility
- No differentiation from competitors
Future Outcomes
After the redesign is completed, the potential outcomes will be:
- 25% increase in company revenue
- Increased brand credibility and trust that will lead to more business in the future
- Improved ability to collect and analyze data to drive future growth
- Improved mobile optimization for a growing mobile audience
- Increased differentiation from competitors.
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